Transgenerational Healing

Feel anxious? Blocked? Depressed? Follow self-destructive patterns but not sure why?

If so you need to read this...

Feel anxious? Blocked? Depressed?

Ever find yourself following self-destructive patterns which undermine your success and happiness but you are not sure why?

Don’t worry. It’s more common than you think. I was no different.

My name is Alyne D'Oliveira. In 2014 I should have been elated, but the truth was I felt lost and depressed.

To the judgement of friends and family, I appeared to be ungrateful for the opportunities I was passing up. This only added to more feelings of guilt and shame.

What was wrong with me?

After seeing psychotherapists, speaking to friends and trying several types of therapy to feel so called ‘normal’, I was getting nowhere. No advice worked. No answers were coming. I only felt more isolated.

Soon my great relationship started to slide.

Unhappy with myself, I could no longer connect with the man I had loved for 7 years. We were breaking up. Leaving him in the UK, I returned to Brazil broken. It was only when I was here, however, that following an unlikely recommendation from a friend, I discovered a completely new psychotherapy technique... a technique that would change my life forever.

The translated name from its German origin is 'Family Constellation'. At first I thought this was something to do with horoscopes or star-gazing. It turns out it’s none of these. The translation just happens to be a misleading name for what is an excellent psychotherapy methodology better thought of as “Transgenerational Healing”.

This methodology is largely unknown in the UK but is huge in Brazil and Germany. It is an appropriate and powerful approach for:

✅ Resolving personal issues: self esteem, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, abuse, emotional and sexual

✅ Individual: self control, personal growth

✅ Parents and parenting

✅ Couples

✅ Health issues

✅ Letting go

✅ Clearing/ removing blocks

✅ Blended families, blending the old with the new and finding your right place

The theory is our emotions, limitations in life and even our financial and relationship successes are inherited from our parents, our relatives, both dead and alive, and closely linked to our partners.

Such links are largely unconscious. If out of harmony or crises are unaddressed, they unconsciously pull us in a way we suffer.

A simple example would be when a mother has a failing marriage. Perhaps her husband has treated her badly for many years and she becomes embittered enough to hate men. The daughter growing up sees this. Through unconscious honour, the daughter can often copy her mother’s bitterness towards men. Subsequently in adult life, without realising it or even wanting it, the daughter may find herself repeatedly failing in relationships and ending up alone just like her mother.

This example might seem obvious but others aren’t so easy to spot. So how can you fix such influences if you are not conscious of them?

This is where the true work begins..

The first stage of Family Constellation is bringing the unconscious links and unbalanced influences of the client (known as the 'issue holder') to the fore. This is called "being constellated"

This is achieved by arranging other participants in the group (who do not know the client or his/her family) to represent the likely elements influencing the issue - examples include a father, uncle, mother, groups, concepts, patterns the client may be embedded in etc.

Once set, what unfolds before the issue holder is a form of collective consciousness. The representatives soon find themselves, without being told anything, adopting feelings, sensations, body postures and even hierarchical positions in relation to one another.

These relationships are then explored by the 'facilitator' (the person directing the process). This is to locate the roots of the client’s emotional disturbances, which often come from the issue holder's family system.

In only rare cases the process fails to elicit something new. More often than not, however, a significant detail or clear insight is discovered of the underlying cause of the client’s issue that he or she could not see before.

Once conscious of it, the client is then able to understand the process of how this is affecting them, how to release its negative effects and how to find a way to move forward.

As you can probably gather, constellation workshops are an enormously moving and heartfelt process. They are extremely useful for helping to deal with many deep and complex issues people would otherwise suffer in silence. If you haven’t been to one yet, is not easy to picture how they work or imagine the healing power they provide. Even if you are just taking part as a representative, they can still have a profound impact on understanding your own life.

For myself, I can say being constellated helped me immensely

Since discovering the root cause of my issue, I was able to release the baggage I was carrying, and move forward. I’m happy to tell you, I am now happily married, I have a son and with a re-balanced set, my life has been completely turned around.

It’s no surprise why I believe in Family Constellation (maybe not the translated name but definitely the process. It is the same reason why over the last 4 years, I have dedicated my life to training globally and constellating people both in Brazil and the UK so that they can benefit the same as I did.

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Past (7)

Discover a deeper you. Inherited Family Trauma (Free Lecture & Workshop) primary image

Discover a deeper you. Inherited Family Trauma (Free Lecture & Workshop)

Sat, Jan 13, 1:00 PM

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Systemic Family Constellations *(Final Ticket) primary image

Systemic Family Constellations *(Final Ticket)

Sat, Oct 29, 10:00 AM

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Family Constellation Workshop (Brighton & Hove) primary image

Family Constellation Workshop (Brighton & Hove)

Sat, Aug 27, 10:00 AM

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Constelação Familiar Workshop primary image

Constelação Familiar Workshop

Sat, Oct 17, 10:00 AM

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Constelação Familiar Workshop primary image

Constelação Familiar Workshop

Sat, Sep 26, 1:00 PM

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Constelação Familiar Workshop primary image

Constelação Familiar Workshop

Sat, Sep 12, 10:00 AM

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Emotional Healing Workshop (Brighton) primary image

Emotional Healing Workshop (Brighton)

Sat, Jan 25, 10:00 AM

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Discover a deeper you. Inherited Family Trauma (Free Lecture & Workshop) primary image

Discover a deeper you. Inherited Family Trauma (Free Lecture & Workshop)

Sat, Jan 13, 1:00 PM

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Systemic Family Constellations *(Final Ticket) primary image

Systemic Family Constellations *(Final Ticket)

Sat, Oct 29, 10:00 AM

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Family Constellation Workshop (Brighton & Hove) primary image

Family Constellation Workshop (Brighton & Hove)

Sat, Aug 27, 10:00 AM

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Constelação Familiar Workshop primary image

Constelação Familiar Workshop

Sat, Oct 17, 10:00 AM

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Constelação Familiar Workshop primary image

Constelação Familiar Workshop

Sat, Sep 26, 1:00 PM

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Constelação Familiar Workshop primary image

Constelação Familiar Workshop

Sat, Sep 12, 10:00 AM

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Emotional Healing Workshop (Brighton) primary image

Emotional Healing Workshop (Brighton)

Sat, Jan 25, 10:00 AM

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Feel anxious? Blocked? Depressed? Follow self-destructive patterns but not sure why?

If so you need to read this...

Feel anxious? Blocked? Depressed?

Ever find yourself following self-destructive patterns which undermine your success and happiness but you are not sure why?

Don’t worry. It’s more common than you think. I was no different.

My name is Alyne D'Oliveira. In 2014 I should have been elated, but the truth was I felt lost and depressed.

To the judgement of friends and family, I appeared to be ungrateful for the opportunities I was passing up. This only added to more feelings of guilt and shame.

What was wrong with me?

After seeing psychotherapists, speaking to friends and trying several types of therapy to feel so called ‘normal’, I was getting nowhere. No advice worked. No answers were coming. I only felt more isolated.

Soon my great relationship started to slide.

Unhappy with myself, I could no longer connect with the man I had loved for 7 years. We were breaking up. Leaving him in the UK, I returned to Brazil broken. It was only when I was here, however, that following an unlikely recommendation from a friend, I discovered a completely new psychotherapy technique... a technique that would change my life forever.

The translated name from its German origin is 'Family Constellation'. At first I thought this was something to do with horoscopes or star-gazing. It turns out it’s none of these. The translation just happens to be a misleading name for what is an excellent psychotherapy methodology better thought of as “Transgenerational Healing”.

This methodology is largely unknown in the UK but is huge in Brazil and Germany. It is an appropriate and powerful approach for:

✅ Resolving personal issues: self esteem, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, abuse, emotional and sexual

✅ Individual: self control, personal growth

✅ Parents and parenting

✅ Couples

✅ Health issues

✅ Letting go

✅ Clearing/ removing blocks

✅ Blended families, blending the old with the new and finding your right place

The theory is our emotions, limitations in life and even our financial and relationship successes are inherited from our parents, our relatives, both dead and alive, and closely linked to our partners.

Such links are largely unconscious. If out of harmony or crises are unaddressed, they unconsciously pull us in a way we suffer.

A simple example would be when a mother has a failing marriage. Perhaps her husband has treated her badly for many years and she becomes embittered enough to hate men. The daughter growing up sees this. Through unconscious honour, the daughter can often copy her mother’s bitterness towards men. Subsequently in adult life, without realising it or even wanting it, the daughter may find herself repeatedly failing in relationships and ending up alone just like her mother.

This example might seem obvious but others aren’t so easy to spot. So how can you fix such influences if you are not conscious of them?

This is where the true work begins..

The first stage of Family Constellation is bringing the unconscious links and unbalanced influences of the client (known as the 'issue holder') to the fore. This is called "being constellated"

This is achieved by arranging other participants in the group (who do not know the client or his/her family) to represent the likely elements influencing the issue - examples include a father, uncle, mother, groups, concepts, patterns the client may be embedded in etc.

Once set, what unfolds before the issue holder is a form of collective consciousness. The representatives soon find themselves, without being told anything, adopting feelings, sensations, body postures and even hierarchical positions in relation to one another.

These relationships are then explored by the 'facilitator' (the person directing the process). This is to locate the roots of the client’s emotional disturbances, which often come from the issue holder's family system.

In only rare cases the process fails to elicit something new. More often than not, however, a significant detail or clear insight is discovered of the underlying cause of the client’s issue that he or she could not see before.

Once conscious of it, the client is then able to understand the process of how this is affecting them, how to release its negative effects and how to find a way to move forward.

As you can probably gather, constellation workshops are an enormously moving and heartfelt process. They are extremely useful for helping to deal with many deep and complex issues people would otherwise suffer in silence. If you haven’t been to one yet, is not easy to picture how they work or imagine the healing power they provide. Even if you are just taking part as a representative, they can still have a profound impact on understanding your own life.

For myself, I can say being constellated helped me immensely

Since discovering the root cause of my issue, I was able to release the baggage I was carrying, and move forward. I’m happy to tell you, I am now happily married, I have a son and with a re-balanced set, my life has been completely turned around.

It’s no surprise why I believe in Family Constellation (maybe not the translated name but definitely the process. It is the same reason why over the last 4 years, I have dedicated my life to training globally and constellating people both in Brazil and the UK so that they can benefit the same as I did.


Sorry, there are no upcoming events
Discover a deeper you. Inherited Family Trauma (Free Lecture & Workshop) primary image

Discover a deeper you. Inherited Family Trauma (Free Lecture & Workshop)

Sat, Jan 13, 1:00 PM

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Systemic Family Constellations *(Final Ticket) primary image

Systemic Family Constellations *(Final Ticket)

Sat, Oct 29, 10:00 AM

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Family Constellation Workshop (Brighton & Hove) primary image

Family Constellation Workshop (Brighton & Hove)

Sat, Aug 27, 10:00 AM

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Constelação Familiar Workshop primary image

Constelação Familiar Workshop

Sat, Oct 17, 10:00 AM

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Constelação Familiar Workshop primary image

Constelação Familiar Workshop

Sat, Sep 26, 1:00 PM

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Constelação Familiar Workshop primary image

Constelação Familiar Workshop

Sat, Sep 12, 10:00 AM

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Emotional Healing Workshop (Brighton) primary image

Emotional Healing Workshop (Brighton)

Sat, Jan 25, 10:00 AM

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Discover a deeper you. Inherited Family Trauma (Free Lecture & Workshop) primary image

Discover a deeper you. Inherited Family Trauma (Free Lecture & Workshop)

Sat, Jan 13, 1:00 PM

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Systemic Family Constellations *(Final Ticket) primary image

Systemic Family Constellations *(Final Ticket)

Sat, Oct 29, 10:00 AM

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Family Constellation Workshop (Brighton & Hove) primary image

Family Constellation Workshop (Brighton & Hove)

Sat, Aug 27, 10:00 AM

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Constelação Familiar Workshop primary image

Constelação Familiar Workshop

Sat, Oct 17, 10:00 AM

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Constelação Familiar Workshop primary image

Constelação Familiar Workshop

Sat, Sep 26, 1:00 PM

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Constelação Familiar Workshop primary image

Constelação Familiar Workshop

Sat, Sep 12, 10:00 AM

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Emotional Healing Workshop (Brighton) primary image

Emotional Healing Workshop (Brighton)

Sat, Jan 25, 10:00 AM

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